2025 Novell Inc Official New Released 050-733 Q&As
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Q1. Next to SLES and SLED, which of the following products is also built on the SLE common code base? A. SDK B. YaST C. SLEM D. SLEC View AnswerAnswer: A Q2. What does the Activity Overview in GNOME show? (Choose three.) A. Your calendar entries for today B. The new emails in your inbox C. The CPU usage D. The memory usage E. The usage of your network cards F. Your favorite appli ca
Q1. You want to redirect both output and error messages of the find command to the find-output file. Which command accomplishes this task? A. find /etc -name!'*conf" 2>&find-output B. find /etc-name "*conf 2<&1 > find-output C. find /etc -name "*conf > find-output 2> D. find /etc -name "*conf" > find-output 2> find-output View AnswerAnswer: D Q2. You have
Q1. Which option do you use to write the output of the 'hwinfo' command to a log file? A. --dumpfile_name B. -o file_name - -dump C. . -log filejiame D. --ofile_name View AnswerAnswer: C Q2. Which does not belong to the Logical Volume Manager? A. Volume Group B. Logical Volume C. Volume Label D. Physical Volume View AnswerAnswer: C Q3. In which file are global configuration
Q1. What system command switches to a single user system without network? A. systemctl isolate rescue target B. systemctl isolate emergency target C. systemctl switch single-usertarget D. systemctl- -runlevel=1 E. systemctl set-default minimal target View AnswerAnswer: A Q2. Which statement about symmetric encryption is correct? A. The same key is used for encryption and decryption B.