Q1. - (Topic 4)
Which of the following commands can be used to locate programs and their corresponding man pages and configuration files?
A. dirname
B. which
C. basename
D. query
E. whereis
Answer: E
Q2. - (Topic 3)
What is the output of the following command?
echo "Hello World" | tr -d aieou
A. Hello World
B. eoo
C. Hll Wrld
D. eoo Hll Wrld
Answer: C
Q3. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 2)
Which world-writable directory should be placed on a separate partition in order to prevent users from being able to fill up the / filesystem? (Specify the full path to the directory.)
Answer: /tmp, tmp, /var/tmp, /tmp/, /var/tmp/
Q4. - (Topic 2)
Which RPM command will output the name of the package which supplied the file /etc/exports?
A. rpm -F /etc/exports
B. rpm -qf /etc/exports
C. rpm -Kl /etc/exports
D. rpm -qp /etc/exports
E. rpm -qi /etc/exports
Answer: B
Q5. - (Topic 2)
Which function key is used to start Safe Mode in Windows NT?
A. F10
B. F8
C. F6
D. Windows NT does not support Safe Mode
Answer: D
Q6. - (Topic 1)
Which of the following are init systems used within Linux systems? (Choose THREE correct answers.)
A. startd
B. systemd
C. Upstart
D. SysInit
E. SysV init
Answer: B,C,E
Q7. - (Topic 3)
What is the purpose of the Bash built-in export command?
A. It allows disks to be mounted remotely.
B. It runs a command as a process in a subshell.
C. It makes the command history available to subshells.
D. It sets up environment variables for applications.
E. It shares NFS partitions for use by other systems on the network.
Answer: D
Q8. - (Topic 1)
Which of the following commands reboots the system when using SysV init? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. shutdown -r now
B. shutdown -r "rebooting"
C. telinit 6
D. telinit 0
E. shutdown -k now "rebooting"
Answer: A,C
Q9. - (Topic 2)
Which of the following options is used in a GRUB Legacy configuration file to define the amount of time that the GRUB menu will be shown to the user?
A. hidemenu
B. splash
C. timeout
D. showmenu
Answer: C
Q10. - (Topic 3)
Which of the following commands determines the type of a file by using a definition database file which contains information about all common file types?
A. magic
B. type
C. file
D. pmagic
E. hash
Answer: C