2025 Oracle Official New Released 1Z0-146 Q&As
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Q1. Which two statements are true about nested tables and varrays? (Choose two.) A. Only varrays must have consecutive numbers as subscripts. B. Only nested tables can be used as column types in database tables. C. Both nested tables and varrays must have consecutive numbers as subscripts. D. Both nested tables and varrays can be used as column types in database tables. View AnswerAnswer: A
Q1. Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table that exists in your schema. Name Null? Type EMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(20) LAST_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) JOB_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) COMMISSION_PCT NUMBER(2,2) DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER(4) You successfully create a GET_MAX procedure to find the maximum salary in the department of a specified employee
Q1. View Exhibit1 and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table. itexamworld.com View Exhibit2 and examine the code in the PL/SQL block. The PL/SQL block fails to execute. What could be the reason? A. Nested tables cannot be returned by a function. B. The NEWNAMES nested table has not been initialized. C. The assignment operator cannot be used to transfer all the element values from GROU
Q1. Which two types of query results cannot be stored in the query result cache? (Choose two.) A. subquery results B. results of a query having the SYSDATE function C. results of a query having the GROUP BY clause D. results of a query having the DATE data type in the WHERE clause View AnswerAnswer: A,B Q2. Examine the structure of the PRINT_MEDIA table: Name Null? Type ADVT_ID NUMBER AD
Q1. You have an external C procedure stored in a dynamic-link library (DLL). The C procedure takes an integer as argument and returns an integer. You want to invoke the C procedure through a PL/SQL program. View the Exhibit. Which statement is true about the C_OUTPUT PL/SQL program? A. It invokes the external C procedure. B. It only publishes the external C procedure. C. It fails because th
Q1. In which two situations is the body of a result-cached function executed? (Choose two.) A. if the memory allocated for the result cache is increased B. if a session on this database instance invokes the function with the same parameter values C. if the first time a session on this database instance invokes the function with a parameter value D. if a session executes a data manipulation la
Q1. Which two statements are true about the tuning of PL/SQL code? (Choose two.) A. Redundant SQL statements in PL/SQL code should be avoided. B. Implicit data type conversion in PL/SQL code can improve performance. C. Usage of the NOT NULL constraint in PL/SQL code can degrade performance. D. If you have one PL/SQL program unit instead of multiple smaller executable sections, performance can
Q1. View the Exhibit and examine the procedure to create a trigger name based on the table name supplied to the procedure. Which three statements are appropriate for protecting the code in the procedure from SQL injection? (Choose three.) A. Explicitly validate the identifier length limit. B. Add AUTHID DEFINER to the definition of the procedure. C. Use PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES in the proce