Q1. What are the correct predefined types of base time periods that can be established when creating the calendar in a planning application?
A. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Custom
B. Monthly, Quarterly, Custom
C. Monthly, Quarterly, Weekly
D. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Custom
E. Only Custom periods are possible.
Answer: B
Q2. Identify the two true statements about Enterprise performance Management Architect.
A. If you decide to implement EPMA, all Planning applications must be EPMA-deployed applications.
B. EPMA-deployed applications may either use EAS Business Rules or Calculation Manager in
C. You can create Planning, TM, Essbase, and FDM applications in EPMA.
D. Data can be shared from a Planning application to an FM application within EPMA.
E. EPMA can be used by end users to manage and update member properties such as hierarchies and aliases.
F. In the Dimension Library, you can maintain one full dimension (for example. Account) but filter portions of the dimension for different applications (for example, Revenue accounts. Balance Sheet)
Answer: BD
Q3. Which three tasks can be performed using the Smart View Planning Provider in Microsoft Excel?
A. Open a data form and submit data.
B. enter supporting detail and cell text.
C. Run business rules.
D. enter planning unit annotations.
E. Perform workflow tasks.
Answer: ABC
Q4. Identify the three characteristics of the Scenarios dimension.
A. Security can be assigned to members of the Scenario dimension.
B. It allows the administrator to assign valid periods for data entry
C. It allows bottoms up or target planning
D. Exchange rate tables are tied to the Scenario dimension.
E. One member in the scenario dimension may be valid for Plan Type.
Answer: ABD
Q5. Identify two true statements about the DATAEXPORT calc script command.
A. Using DATAEXPORT within the FIX statement of a calc script allows you to export specific data sets from an Essbase database.
B. DATAEXPORT only exports level zero data.
C. DATAEXPORT only exports to flat files.
D. DATAEXPORT only exports entire data blocks.
E. DATAEXPORT is faster than Essbase Report.
Answer: AE
Q6. Identity the true statement about Custom Menus.
A. Custom menus can provide links to data forms, Business Rules, URLs, and Planning preferences.
B. Custom menus require Java scripting knowledge to create.
C. You can assign security to custom menus so that only specific users or groups can see the custom menu.
D. Custom menus are assigned to data forms only.
E. Custom menus are limited to a single list of tasks; you cannot group them into sub categories.
Answer: A
Q7. Fragmentation in an underlying Planning Essbase database that is caused by what two actions?
A. Delete member from a sparse dimension.
B. Delete member from a dense dimension.
C. Renaming a member.
D. Renaming an alias.
E. Submitting data / deleting data frequently.
Answer: BE
Q8. You have the following design requirement: You need to track customer status for a sales planning application. Valid options for customer status include: Active, Inactive, Out of Business. Customer status can change on a month-by-month basis.
What is the best way to build Customer Status into the Planning application?
A. Attribute dimension
B. Varying attribute dimension
C. Smart List
D. Free Form Text
E. Alternate hierarchy
Answer: C
Q9. You have a measure in your Accounts dimension for "Price". Price Is Input by users (along with Units). Sales is calculated as Units * Price. Identify the correct property that should be assigned to Price to meet this requirement.
A. Stored
B. Dynamic Calc
C. Dynamic Calc and Store
Answer: A
Q10. In a non-multicurrency Planning application, what three things happen if all options are checked for Refresh Database?
A. Dimension and member changes are pushed to Essbase.
B. Cell text and supporting detail changes are pushed to Essbase.
C. Security filters for dimensions and members are pushed to Essbase.
D. Security filters for shared members are pushed to Essbase.
E. Data changes are pushed to Essbase.
Answer: ACD