Q1. Which of the following is NOT a correct way of configuring handlers on a Web Service client ? (Choose one)
A. Specify the handlers in jaxws-catalog.xml and make it available in the classpath of the client
B. Create a handlerchain as list of handlers and call setHandlerChain() with that list on the Binding object.
C. Programmatically configure the handlers by setting a custom HandlerResolver on the service instance and create proxies from that service.
D. Specify handlers in handler chain configuration XML file and add @HandlerChain referencing handler configuration file to the Web Service references for clients running in JavaEE Container.
Answer: A
Q2. What would be the HTTP content-type header when a message is optimized using MTOM ? (Choose one)
A. multipart/related
B. text/xml
C. application/soap+xml
D. application/xop+xml
Answer: A
Q3. What is an accurate description of the handling of application exceptions thrown by a JAX-WS service endpoint?
A. Application exceptions can be mapped to faults in WSDL.
B. Application exceptions are NOT handled by JAX-WS SEI clients.
C. Application exceptions are always propagated to JAX-WS clients as RemoteExceptions.
D. Application exceptions are always propagated to JAX-WS SEI clients as WebServiceExceptions.
E. Application exceptions are always propagated to JAX-WS SEI clients as SOAPFaultExceptions.
Answer: A
Q4. A Web service needs to encrypt certain SOAP headers when responding. Which statement about this encryption is true?
A. The Web service runtime is the appropriate place for such encryption.
B. The Web service business logic is the appropriate place for such encryption.
C. Either the Web service business logic or runtime is appropriate for such encryption.
D. Neither the Web service business logic nor runtime is appropriate for such encryption.
E. Transport level security protocol like SSL should be used to meet the requirements without code changes.
Answer: A
Q5. Which of the following two EJB types can be used as web service endpoints ? (Choose two.)
A. Stateful Session EJB
B. Message-Driven EJB
C. Stateless Session EJB
D. Singleton Session EJB
Answer: CD
Q6. An automobile manufacturer publishes a Web service for use by their suppliers. The manufacturer has stringent security requirements that require suppliers to verify their identity. Data integrity and confidentiality must be maintained between the client and the server. Which two meet all of these requirements? (Choose two.)
A. X.509 and XKMS
C. SSL and mutual authentication
D. XML Encryption and XML Digital Signature
E. Private network and XML Signature
Answer: CD
Q7. What would be the HTTP content-type header when a message is optimized using MTOM ? (Choose one)
A. multipart/related
B. text/xml
C. application/soap+xml
D. application/xop+xml
Answer: A
Q8. In which order do LogicalHandlers and SOAPHandlers configured on a Web Service endpoint execute on an incoming message ? (Choose one)
A. SOAPHandlers in the order specified in configuration are executed first and later the LogicalHandlers specified in the order get executed
B. LogicalHandlers in the order specified in configuration are executed first and later the SOAPHandlers specified in the order get executed
C. All the handlers are executed in the order specified in the configuration
D. All the handlers are executed in the reverse order specified in the configuration.
Answer: A
Q9. When a SOAP envelope is optimized on the wire, the following can be said about the optimized infoset : (Choose one)
A. optimized infoset contains xop:Include elements with href attribute pointing to attachment data
B. optimized infoset contains mtom:Import with location attribute pointing to attachment data C. optimized infoset doesn't have any specific elements for MIME attachment.
D. optimzed infoset's element contain cid:Content-ID as the text and Content-ID refers to the associated attachment
Answer: A
Q10. According to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a, what is true about the SOAP 1.1 encodingStyle attribute?
A. It can occur anywhere in a message.
B. It can only be declared on children Header elements.
C. It can be declared on any children of the Body elements of rpc-literal messages.
D. It cannot be used with elements qualified by the http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope namespace.
E. WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 does NOT give any guidance because encodingStyle is a SOAP 1.1 attribute.
Answer: D