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What does this dialog flow do?

- A. It logs how many times it takes each user to enter an utterance that resolves to an intent.
- B. It loops back to the intent state until the user enters an utterance that resolves to an intent.
- C. If the user does not enter an utterance that resolves to an intent within three tries, it transitions to a state to handle the user problem.
- D. It stops the conversation if the user can't enter any utterances that resolve to an intent.
Answer: C
Select the FALSE statement regarding Oracle's recommendation for defining your bot’s personality and
conversational design.
- A. You should hide from users the fact that they are communicating with a bot and give them the impression that it's a human they are interacting with.
- B. You should consider naming your bot and using an appropriate avatar.
- C. Your bot should have a persona that matches that of your target audience.
- D. Words carry emotions and you should carefully consider verbiage and tone in your dialog responses.
Answer: B
Which two statements are true regarding local web application invocation using the system.webview component?
- A. Local webviews require a Node.js environment and must have a package, json file in their root folder.
- B. An SPA application can issue an Ajax post command to the callback URL that has been passed with the web application launch
- C. system.webview components can only be used with web channels.
- D. Local webviews require SPA applications to have an index.html file in their root folder.
Answer: AD
As per Oracle's recommendation, which is the best practice regarding conversational design?
- A. Ask users open-ended questions such as "how can I help you?"
- B. To account for possible mistakes, make it clear to users that the bot is still learning.
- C. Use quick reply buttons (as opposed to natural language inputs) as much as possible.
- D. Ensure that capabilities of the bot f the things that it can and can't do") are clear and discoverable.
Answer: A
Which statement is true regarding the default implementation of out-of-order messages?
- A. Navigation remains in the current state.
- B. All variables referenced by the out-of-order-message action are cleared.
- C. There is no default implementation for out-of-order messages.
- D. In the default implementation, when an out-of-order message is detected the navigation continues with the state name associated with the out-of-order message action.
Answer: C
You have a digital assistant with a pizza skill. While ordering a pizza, the user triggers the digital assistant's Help system intent by entering "help". What is the default functionality of the digital assistant assuming no help functionality has been implemented in the pizza skill?
- A. The digital assistant displays a prompt and a card which can be configured to show examples of what the skill can do.
- B. Nothin
- C. You need to explicitly define a help state in the pizza skill.
- D. The digital assistant displays the information contained in the Description field of the skill.
- E. The digital assistant displays a dialog to confirm if the user wants hel
- F. If the user selects "yes", the skill returns to the system, intent and awaits user input.
- G. The current conversation stops and the skill returns to the system, intent and awaits user input.
Answer: D
What happens after the skill output Welcome to our store’s chat botl’’ in this dialog flow/

- A. The skill goes to output2, outputs "You can ask me about what products we have in the store", and then returns control to the user.
- B. The skill displays "Welcome to our store's chat bot!" again.
- C. The skill returns control to the use
- D. After the user enters text, it goes to the intent state.
- E. The skill returns control to the use
- F. After the user enters text, it goes to output2 and outputs "You can ask me about what products we in the store."
Answer: A
Which two statements are true for the system.webview component?
- A. Parameters passed from the skill to the web application cannot be accessed through JavaScript.
- B. Property names in the web application response payload must match with the variable names in the dialog flow.
- C. When registering web applications in a skill, bot designers can see the data structure returned by the app
- D. Parameters passed from the skill to the web application are accessible through JavaScript.
- E. The webview.onDone parameter is automatically added to the payload and passes the skill's callback URL property to the web application.
Answer: AD
You have been asked to make recommendations to a customer on the value of having a catalogue of test phrases that you can use for batch testing intents.
Which statement is the recommendation you would NOT make?
- A. Batch testing allows you to have a baseline of phrases to test against, so you can demonstrate whether your skill is resolving intents more accurately over time.
- B. Batch testing allows you to confirm that any changes you make to the intent utterances do not inadvertently change other intent resolutions.
- C. Batch testing allows you to test every combination of conversation through your dialog flow.
- D. Having a baseline test allows you to determine whether your intent resolution is still functioning within expected limits given any updates to your service.
Answer: D
The agentActions property in the System.Agentlnitiation component:
- A. Defines the states to which agents can optionally transfer a user when the agent ends the chat.
- B. Sets the message to be displayed when an agent is first connected to a chat session.
- C. Sets the message to be displayed if an agent refuses a chat request.
- D. Sets the agent's post-chat configuration (for example, "ready", "wrap", and so on).
Answer: A
An input component references an entity-type variable from its variable property and does not have the maxPrompts property set. Which two statements describe valid options to help users deal with validation errors?
- A. You can use the alternatePrompt property for user input components to display alternative prompts.
- B. You can use the onlnvaliduserlnput property on the System.commonResponse component to conditionally show or hide UI controls.
- C. You can use the syste
- D. invaliduserinput?booiean expression to detect a previously failed input validation and display alternative prompts or additional UI controls.
- E. You can use the user input component's textReceived action transition to detect validation errors and to navigate to a state in the dialog flow.
- F. You can use the user input component's cancel action transition to navigate to a different state in the dialog flow, display a help message to the user, and navigate back into the dialog flow state that previously failed input validation.
Answer: BC
Examine the code snippet below:

Which two statement are true regarding the functionality of a composite bag referenced by the variable pizza?
- A. Any individual entity item can define its own maxPrompts to override the value in the dialog flow.
- B. The first time an incorrect value for an entity item is resolved, it will result in an error and transition to the state called maxError because cancelPolicy is set to immediate and this overrides the setting for maxPrompts.
- C. Each entity item in the composite bag will be prompted for a valid value three time
- D. After the last invalid input, the flow will navigate to a state called setPizzaDough.
- E. Each entity item in the composite bag will be prompted for a valid value three time
- F. After the last invalid input, the flow will navigate to a state called maxError.
Answer: A
Which variable type is automatically set with values from the chat client,such as locate and timezoneoffset?
- A. System variables
- B. Variables that are defined in the cotext section in the dialog flow
- C. User variables
- D. System.config variables
- E. Profile variables
Answer: D
In the System.Agentinitiation component, what is the purpose of "resumedMessage:"?
- A. sets the message to be displayed if no agents are available
- B. sets the message to be displayed to a user if the user sends repeated messages to connect
- C. sets the message to be displayed when the channel times out and reconnects
- D. sets the message to be displayed to a user while waiting for the agent to connect
Answer: A
Which three statements are FALSE regarding entity resolution using a composite bag?
- A. You can define multiple prompts for each entity item in the composite bag.
- B. The composite bag will automatically resolve any entity values found in the initial user input.
- C. When a user inputs entity values, they can only be resolved in the order in which they are defined within the composite bag.
- D. Each entity item in the composite bag can have only one value.
- E. Every entity item in the composite bag must be prompted for and have a value entered.
- F. You can define validation code using Apache Freemarker for entity item values.
Answer: ACE
Which three options are true for this dialog flow code?

- A. The above code is poor programming because the accountType variable will be set twice.
- B. If Syste
- C. SetVariable Sets accountType to a value, the Syste
- D. List component does not display a list of options.
- E. Usage of empty transitions is a bad practice because it can lead to unexpected results.
- F. The system.List component always displays a list of options, regardless of the value of accountType.
- G. If the result of calling system.SetVariable results in accountType being unset or null, the dialog engine moves to use the next state, which is a system.List component that shows various account options.
Answer: ABC
Which two statements describe what happens when a System.DatectLanguages component is used in a dialog flow?
- A. The system.DetectLanguage component sets the profile.languageTag variable to the language code of the detected user language.
- B. The syste
- C. DetectLanguage component sets the autoTranslate variable to the language code of the detected user language.
- D. A system.DetectLanguage component state causes an exception if no translation service is configured for a skill.
- E. The system.DetectLanguage component sets the profile.locale variable to the language code of the detected user language.
- F. The system.DetectLanguage component does not detect English because it is the default language.
Answer: AD
Which three statements are true about composite bagentities?
- A. They define a business domain object as a collection of related system entities and custom entities.
- B. When you add entities to the composite bag, you can control how they get extracted in related to other entities and when they are prompted for.
- C. The composite bag will always enforce that every entity has a valid value before allowing the conversation to move on to the next state in the dialog flow.
- D. You need to create a separate composite bag to handle nonentity types such as string
- E. Locations, and attachments.
- F. The composite bag can resolve all entity values using only a single state in the dialog flow.
Answer: BCE
Which two features of Oracle Digital Assistant should you use to allow a skill to specifically classify the user message "What's my balance in savings?" and to identify the type of account?
- A. an entity that defines account types (with values such as "checking" or "savings")
- B. an intent that is been trained with utterances such as "check balance", "What is my current balance?", and "How much money do I have?"
- C. an input form rendered by a webview that is hosted within a Digital Assistant
- D. dialog flows with a system.Text component to read the user input
- E. a resource bundle populated with phrases such as "check balance", "What is my current balance?", and "How much money do I have?"
Answer: BE
How do you declare a context variable for an entity?
- A. Set the variable type to "nlpresult".
- B. Set the variable type to the same name as the entity.
- C. Set the variable type to "entity".
- D. Set the variable type to "map" and reference the value by the entity name.
Answer: C
You are exploring a use case that calls for users to enter different types of entity values. As a way of minimizing the complexities involved in having users enter vales correctly in a text message,, you are considering a skill that enter data using visual GUI components such as radio buttons and fields that validate user input.
What should you to support this functionality?
- A. Create a dedicated skill for collecting the information on the order form and then add it to a digital assistant.
- B. Create a series of text prompts to collect the user input.
- C. Create a webview service that connects the skill to a web app that renders the order form.
- D. In the composite bag entity, add a regex entity.
Answer: D
You want the flow to navigate to the cancel transition immediately after the maximum number of failed attempts are exceeded in the System.ResolveEntities Components.
Which option must you use?
- A. Set cancelPolicy to "immediate".
- B. There is no such option in system.ResolveEntitis
- C. Set cancelPolicy to "true" .
- D. Set cancelPolicy to "lastEntity" .
Answer: A
https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/digital-assistant/use-chatbot/built-components-properties-transitions-and-u cancelPolicy
Determines the timing of the cancel transition:
immediate—Immediately after the allotted maxPrompts attempts have been met for an entity in the ba
lastEntity—When the last entity in the bag has been matched with a value.

Which is a FALSE statement about empty transitions?
- A. Empty transitions can lead to unexpected navigation.
- B. You should define a next transition on every state.
- C. Empty transitions occur when using the next transition element.
- D. Avoiding empty transitions will prevent many unexpected dialog flows.
Answer: C
Which is NOT used to tune routing behavior?
- A. the classifier's F1-score
- B. the built-in system intent confidence threshold
- C. the confidence win margin
- D. candidate skills' confidence thresholds
Answer: A
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