312-50 Exam - Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures (CEHv6)


Q1. Study the log below and identify the scan type. 

tcpdump –w host 

A. nmap R 

B. nmap S 

C. nmap V 

D. nmap –sO –T 

Answer: D

Explanation: -sO: IP protocol scans: This method is used to determine which IP protocols are supported on a host. The technique is to send raw IP packets without any further protocol header to each specified protocol on the target machine. 

Q2. While examining a log report you find out that an intrusion has been attempted by a machine whose IP address is displayed as 0xde.0xad.0xbe.0xef. It looks to you like a hexadecimal number. You perform a ping 0xde.0xad.0xbe.0xef. Which of the following IP addresses will respond to the ping and hence will likely be responsible for the the intrusion ? 






Answer: E

Explanation: Convert the hex number to binary and then to decimal. 

0xde.0xad.0xbe.0xef translates to and not 

0xef = 

15*1 = 15 

14*16 = 224 

= 239 

0xbe = 14*1 = 14 11*16 = 176 

= 190 

0xad = 13*1 = 13 10*16 = 160 

= 173 

0xde = 14*1 = 14 13*16 = 208 

= 222 

Q3. In which step Steganography fits in CEH System Hacking Cycle (SHC) 

A. Step 2: Crack the password 

B. Step 1: Enumerate users 

C. Step 3: Escalate privileges 

D. Step 4: Execute applications 

E. Step 5: Hide files 

F. Step 6: Cover your tracks 

Answer: ACDEF

Q4. You are scanning into the target network for the first time. You find very few conventional ports open. When you attempt to perform traditional service identification by connecting to the open ports, it yields either unreliable or no results. You are unsure of which protocols are being used. You need to discover as many different protocols as possible. 

Which kind of scan would you use to achieve this? (Choose the best answer) 

A. Nessus scan with TCP based pings. 

B. Nmap scan with the –sP (Ping scan) switch. 

C. Netcat scan with the –u –e switches. 

D. Nmap with the –sO (Raw IP packets) switch. 

Answer: D

Explanation: Running Nmap with the –sO switch will do a IP Protocol Scan. The IP protocol scan is a bit different than the other nmap scans. The IP protocol scan is searching for additional IP protocols in use by the remote station, such as ICMP, TCP, and UDP. If a router is scanned, additional IP protocols such as EGP or IGP may be identified. 

Q5. What techniques would you use to evade IDS during a Port Scan? (Select 4 answers) 

A. Use fragmented IP packets 

B. Spoof your IP address when launching attacks and sniff responses from the server 

C. Overload the IDS with Junk traffic to mask your scan 

D. Use source routing (if possible) 

E. Connect to proxy servers or compromised Trojaned machines to launch attacks 

Answer: ABDE

Q6. What is the essential difference between an ‘Ethical Hacker’ and a ‘Cracker’? 

A. The ethical hacker does not use the same techniques or skills as a cracker. 

B. The ethical hacker does it strictly for financial motives unlike a cracker. 

C. The ethical hacker has authorization from the owner of the target. 

D. The ethical hacker is just a cracker who is getting paid. 

Answer: C

Explanation: The ethical hacker uses the same techniques and skills as a cracker and the motive is to find the security breaches before a cracker does. There is nothing that says that a cracker does not get paid for the work he does, a ethical hacker has the owners authorization and will get paid even if he does not succeed to penetrate the target. 

Q7. Bank of Timbukut is a medium-sized, regional financial institution in Timbuktu. The bank has deployed a new Internet-accessible Web Application recently. Customers can access their account balances, transfer money between accounts, pay bills and conduct online financial business using a web browser. 

John Stevens is in charge of information security at Bank of Timbukut. After one month in production, several customers have complained about the Internet enabled banking application. Strangely, the account balances of many of the bank’s customers had been changed ! However, money hasn’t been removed from the bank, instead money was transferred between accounts. Given this attack profile, John Stevens reviewed the Web Application’s logs and found the following entries. 

What kind of attack did the Hacker attempt to carry out at the Bank? 

A. Brute Force attack in which the Hacker attempted guessing login ID and password from password cracking tools 

B. The Hacker used a generator module to pass results to the Web Server and exploited Web Application CGI vulnerability. 

C. The Hacker first attempted logins with suspected user names, then used SQL injection to gain access to valid login IDs 

D. The Hacker attempted Session Hijacking, in which the hacker opened an account with the bank, then logged in to receive a session ID, guessed the next ID and took over Jason’s session. 


Explanation: Typing things like ‘ or 1=1 – in the login field is evidence of a hacker trying out if the system is vulnerable to SQL injection. 

Topic 15, Hacking Wireless Networks 

Q8. You want to use netcat to generate huge amount of useless network data continuously for various performance testing between 2 hosts. 

Which of the following commands accomplish this? 

A. Machine A #yes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | nc –v –v –l –p 2222 > /dev/null Machine B #yes BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB | nc machinea 2222 > /dev/null 

B. Machine A cat somefile | nc –v –v –l –p 2222 Machine B cat somefile | nc othermachine 2222 C. Machine A nc –l –p 1234 | uncompress –c | tar xvfp Machine B tar cfp - /some/dir | compress –c | nc –w 3 machinea 1234 

D. Machine A while true : do nc –v –l –s –p 6000 machineb 2 Machine B while true ; do nc –v –l –s –p 6000 machinea 2 done 

Answer: A

Explanation: Machine A is setting up a listener on port 2222 using the nc command and then having the letter A sent an infinite amount of times, when yes is used to send data yes NEVER stops until it recieves a break signal from the terminal (Control+C), on the client end (machine B), nc is being used as a client to connect to machine A, sending the letter B and infinite amount of times, while both clients have established a TCP connection each client is infinitely sending data to each other, this process will run FOREVER until it has been stopped by an administrator or the attacker. 

Q9. What are the differences between SSL and S-HTTP? 

A. SSL operates at the network layer and S-HTTP operates at the application layer 

B. SSL operates at the application layer and S-HTTP operates at the network layer 

C. SSL operates at the transport layer and S-HTTP operates at the application layer 

D. SSL operates at the application layer and S-HTTP operates at the transport layer 

Answer: C

Explanation: The main difference between the protocols is the layer at which they operate. SSL operates at the transport layer and mimics the "socket library," while S-HTTP operates at the application layer. Encryption of the transport layer allows SSL to be application-independent, while S-HTTP is limited to the specific software implementing it. The protocols adopt different philosophies towards encryption as well, with SSL encrypting the entire communications channel and S-HTTP encrypting each message independently. 

Q10. While probing an organization you discover that they have a wireless network. From your attempts to connect to the WLAN you determine that they have deployed MAC filtering by using ACL on the access points. What would be the easiest way to circumvent and communicate on the WLAN? 

A. Attempt to crack the WEP key using Airsnort. 

B. Attempt to brute force the access point and update or delete the MAC ACL. 

C. Steel a client computer and use it to access the wireless network. 

D. Sniff traffic if the WLAN and spoof your MAC address to one that you captured. 

Answer: D

Explanation: The easiest way to gain access to the WLAN would be to spoof your MAC address to one that already exists on the network.