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While preparing for an upcoming Knowledge Management course, the instructorteams from the student's manager that all of the students already possesses sufficient skills and experience in a few of the sections of the course. What action should the instructor take when planning the course delivery?
- A. Accelerate the course schedule.
- B. The Instructor should validate the existing skill level of the students during each section identified, while planning additional exercises to challenge the students.
- C. The instructor should omit the sections that the student's manager feels that the students already possess sufficient skills in.
- D. The Instructor should make alterations to the planned course to include additional topics that may interest students.
Answer: B
Mrs. Swella is instructing her students to be help desk technicians. She wants them to understand the frustration they may experience once on the job.
Which one of the Mowing presentation techniques is correct to use m the above situation?
- A. Role play in which the student plays the help desk technician
- B. Role play in which the instructor plays the help desk technician
- C. A lecture presented on the basic principles of customer relations
- D. Reading assignments on the subject of customer relations
Answer: A
You are teaching a class and find yourself n an embarrassing moment. You have used a word that has a double meaning and the students are laughing and a few of the real left-brainers are personally offended. You did not intend the reference that the class has accepted into your vocabulary.
- A. Contact your training manager and ask him/her to write a memo to the students as an apology.
- B. Move forward and ignore the issue.
- C. Make a clarification that you did not intend the inappropriate reference to the word used and give an apology and move on swiftly.
- D. Laugh and look at the students in their eyes for approval.
Answer: C
To achieve the Certified Ethical Hacker Certification, you must pass the following exams:
Ethical Hacking and Counter measures
What is the exam code for the above title?
- A. EC0-212
- B. 312-34
- C. 212-45
- D. 312-89
- E. 312-50
Answer: E
Mr. Bell has a large amount of Information to present In a short period of time. Referring to the above scenario, what presentation method can Mr. Bell use to accomplish this?
- A. Group discussion approach
- B. Buzz Groups
- C. Teacher-centered approach
- D. Student-teacher interaction
- E. Role playing
Answer: B
An Instructor knows a humorous story that will highlight a point they are trying to convey to the class. The story is of questionable taste for the audience. How should the instructor proceed?
- A. The instructor should tell the story as it will highlight a concept
- B. The instructor should ask the students that might be offended to leave the room
- C. The Instructor should not tell the story
- D. The Instructor should ask permission from attendees to tell the story
Answer: C
The following three elements make up Professional Credibility:
- A. Content Credibility Personal Credibility
- B. Social Credibility
- C. Technical Credibility
- D. Field Experience Credibility
Answer: AD
Joe is a student who often asks questions that are NOT directly related to the topic. It is beginning to annoy you and the other students, what is the proper way to handle the above situation?
- A. Criticize Joe in front of the class.
- B. Answer Joe's question immediately after he asks it.
- C. Offer to discuss Joe's questions with him after class.
- D. Privately criticize Joe for asking unrelated questions.
- E. Ignore Joe's questions.
Answer: C
Which of the following are TRUE concerning instructor credibility?(Select two)
- A. Adult learners automatically grant credibility to individuals in position of authority or responsibility.
- B. Adult learners may not perceive value in learning without instructor credibility.
- C. Instructor credibility is only important at the beginning of a course.
- D. Instructor credibility can be gamed or lost through words or actions.
Answer: BD
Sheryl often uses incorrect grammar in her questions and answers.
Referring to the above scenario, how do you tactfully indicate the correct grammar usage?
- A. Restate her question or answer in correct grammar.
- B. Only answer questions and acknowledge her answers
- C. Interrupt her questions or answers so it does NOT aggravate other students.
- D. Privately criticize her grammar on the next break.
- E. Privately criticize her grammar on the next break and tell her if it does NOT improve, you will be critical of her grammar in front of the class.
Answer: B
Which of the following can be done to help minimize distractions?
- A. Ensure learners know the rules for dress and conduct.
- B. Ensure exterior noises or interruptions are controlled as well as possible.
- C. Ensure learners know the schedule for breaks and meals.
- D. All of the above.
Answer: D
Martin is conducting a First Look session of ENSA program for nearly 60 attendees over the Internet. Which of the following instructional methods will be most effective for a large audience?
- A. Webinar
- B. Group discussion
- C. Giving the students independent assignments
- D. Case study
Answer: C
Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good question?
- A. Short enough for students to remember
- B. Stated so that it suggests an answer
- C. Stated in a language familiar to the student
- D. Constructed to stress the key points of a lesson
- E. Stated to require a simple yes or no answer
Answer: B
You are teaching a class in which two students are talking with each other and disrupting the learning environment. Select three methods below that you might use to give the students a message to stop the disruptive talking:(Select three)
- A. Maintain the self esteem of the talking students while correcting them.
- B. Use facial gestures and eye contact to communicate with the students.
- C. Move yourself near the talking students.
- D. Directly address the students and ask them to shut up.
Answer: ABC
Outing the first lecture of the course. Steve responds to each of your questions and comments on all points. It causes you to lose your train of thought. Misbehavior also appears to bother the other students, but Steve is NOT aware of this. How should you handle the above situation?
- A. Privately ask Steve if he is aware how other students are responding to his behavio
- B. Suggest modifications to his behavior.
- C. Publicly ask Steve if he is aware how other students are responding to his behavior and how « distracts your train of thought.
- D. Do NOT interven
- E. Steve paid for the course and has the right to behave any way he pleases.
- F. Publicly tell Steve how other students are responding to his behavior and how it distracts your train of thought.
- G. Fill out a counseling form on Steve and advise him of the consequences of continuing his behavior.
Answer: A
Which e-Business certifications does EC-Council offer?(Select three)
- A. Certified Computer Operator
- B. Certified E++Technical Consultant
- C. Certified e-Business Consultant
- D. Certified e-Business Associate
- E. Certified Project Manager
- F. Certified e-Business Professional
Answer: CDF
What is the PRIMARY reason for using a variety of media in a presentation?
- A. To confirm effectiveness of course design
- B. To enhance instructor credibility
- C. To demonstrate subject matter expertise
- D. To receive favorable evaluations from the student
- E. To maintain learner attention and interest
Answer: E
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