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Microsoft 701-100 Free Dumps Questions Online, Read and Test Now.
Which of the following statements is true about load balancers?
- A. Load balancers are a security risk because they obfuscate the origin of connections.
- B. Load balancer help to improve the availability and scalability of a service.
- C. Load balancers are a single point of failure because they cannot be deployed redundantly.
- D. Load balancer require access to private keys in order to be able to forward HTTPS traffic.
- E. Load balancers cannot use connection content, such as HTTP cookies, to route traffi
Answer: B
What must be the first line of a plain text user-data configuration containing YAML configuration for cloud-init?
- A. cloud-config:
- B. --- cloud-config
- C. #!/usr/bin/cloud-init
- D. [cloud-config]
- E. #cloud-config
Answer: E
Explanation: Reference https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html
Which sections can exist in a Logstash configuration file? (Choose three correct answers.)
- A. output
- B. filter
- C. input
- D. forward
- E. generate
Answer: ABC
Explanation: Reference https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/configuration-file-structure.html
An online shop needs to store information about clients and orders. A list of fixed properties for clients and orders exists. The data storage should enforce specific data types on these properties and ensure that each order is associated with an existing client. Which of the following cloud services is capable of fulfilling these requirements?
- A. An in-memory database like memcached.
- B. An object store like OpenStack Swift.
- C. A messaging service like OpenStack Zaqar.
- D. A NoSQL database like MongoDB.
- E. A relational database like MariaD
Answer: E
A Dockerfile contains the statements:
COPY data/ /data/
VOLUME /data
What happens when the resulting container is started without any additional volume configuration? (Choose two correct answers.)
- A. Files existing in /data/ in the image are not available in the running container.
- B. Changes to files within /data/ affect the Docker image and all other containers derived from it.
- C. Existing files from /data/ in the image are copied to the new volume.
- D. An error is raised because /data/ already contains data when the volume is mounted.
- E. A new volume is created and mounted to /data/ within the new containe
Answer: CE
How does Vagrant run virtual machines?
- A. Vagrant uses a vagrant-specific hypervisor called VagrantVM.
- B. Vagrant has to be run within a running virtual machine which is not controlled by Vagrant.
- C. Vagrant ships with an embedded version of VirtualBox.
- D. Vagrant uses so-called provides which control external hypervisors such as VirtualBox.
- E. Vagrant generates virtual machine images but does not provide a mechanism to run them.
Answer: D
Which of the following properties apply to a content delivery network? (Choose three correct answers.)
- A. CDNs require all elements of a web site to be served by the same CDN.
- B. CDNs can stream large media files such as movies or music to clients.
- C. CDNs are present in multiple locations to serve content close to clients.
- D. CDNs serve huge numbers of clients with high bandwidth and low latency.
- E. CDNs forward all requests to a backend server and never store content locall
Answer: CDE
What statement is true regarding the Swarm service created by the following command? docker service create --name myweb --network webnet --mode global nginx
- A. It runs exactly one time in the Swarm and cannot be scaled.
- B. It runs exactly once on each node in a Swarm.
- C. It runs on one node by default and can be scaled to an arbitrary number of replicas.
- D. It runs on all nodes which provide the network webnet.
- E. It runs only on those nodes which support the network type globa
Answer: C
A recently installed application writes log data to /opt/app/log/info.log. If Filebeat is already installed and set up for communication with a remote Logstash, what has to be done in order to submit the log data of the new application to Logstash?
- A. Add an additional input channel with the option source => “/opt/app/log/info.log” to the Logstash configuration.
- B. Configure logrotate to execute filebeat –I /opt/app/log/info.log 0 after each rotation of /opt/app/log/info.log.
- C. Add the log file to the path option within the log prospector in the Filebeat configuration and restart Filebeat.
- D. Add a new cron job that invokes filebeat –i /opt/app/log/info.log periodically.
- E. Replace /opt/app/log/info.log by a symbolic link to /dev/filebeat and restart the new applicatio
Answer: E
A declarative Jenkins pipeline contains the following excerpt:
parameters {
string (name: ‘TargetEnvironment’, defaultValue: ‘staging’, description: ‘Target environment’)
How can a task use the value provided for TargetEnvironment?
- A. {{TargetEnvironment}}
- B. $TargetEnvironment
- C. %TargetEnvironment%
- D. ${params.TargetEnvironment}
- E. $ENV{TargetEnvironment}
Answer: B
Which vagrant sub command executes a command in a running box? (Specify only the sub command without any path or parameters.)
Explanation: ssh
Which Ansible modules can be used to change the contents of a file? (Choose three correct answers.)
- A. lineinfile
- B. replace
- C. patch
- D. insert
- E. modify
Answer: ABC
Which of the following statements are true about Jenkins? (Choose two correct answers.)
- A. Jenkins is specific to Java based applications.
- B. Jenkins can delegate tasks to slave nodes.
- C. Jenkins only works on local files and cannot use SCM repositories.
- D. Jenkins’ functionality is determined by plugins.
- E. Jenkins includes a series of integrated testing suite
Answer: BE
Which of the following elements are presents in a Vagrant box file? (Choose two correct answers.)
- A. A Vagrant guest configuration file that is used to create instances of the box.
- B. Configuration files for provisioners such as Ansible.
- C. The installer for the Vagrant version which is required to run the box.
- D. A metadata file describing the box and its requirements.
- E. A base file system image in a format supported by the provider of the bo
Answer: BD
Which of the following Ansible tasks copies the file example.txt to a manage system?
- A. – rsync:src: example.txtdst: /tmp/example.txt
- B. – copy:src: example.txtdest: /tmp/example.txt
- C. – retrieve:src: example.txtdest: /tmp/example.txt
- D. - cp:source: example.txtdst: /tmp/example.txt
- E. - transfer:src: example.txtdest: /tmp/example.txt
Answer: B
How does Prometheus gather information about monitored hosts and services?
- A. It implements the ICMP and SNMP protocols to ping and query remote services.
- B. It opens a webhook where monitored applications have to submit various metrics.
- C. It uses HTTP to retrieve JSON encoded metrics from the monitored objects.
- D. It queries a relational database for metrics written to the database by monitored applications.
- E. It runs scripts on the Prometheus server which perform tests and return various metrics.
Answer: E
Explanation: Reference https://dzone.com/articles/monitoring-with-prometheus
Which of the following HTTP headers is a CORS header?
- A. X-CORS-Access-Token:
- B. Location:
- C. Referer:
- D. Authorization:
- E. Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Answer: E
Explanation: Reference https://enable-cors.org/server_apache.html
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