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Which of the following correctly states a limitation in the use of static analysis tools? [K1]
- A. Static analysis tools can be applied to new code but cannot be applied to existing code
- B. Static analysis tools can be used to enforce coding standards
- C. Static analysis tools always generate large numbers of warning messages when applied to new code, even if the code meets coding standards
- D. Static analysis tools do not generate warning messages when applied to existing code
Answer: B
The effect of testing is to:
- A. Increase software quality;
- B. Give an indication of the software quality;
- C. Enable those responsible for software failures to be identified;
- D. Show there are no problems remaining?
Answer: B
Which of the following test case design techniques is white box (structure-based)? [K1]
- A. Use case testing
- B. State transition testing
- C. Decision testing
- D. Equivalence partitioning
Answer: C
Consider the following pseudo code:
1. Begin
2. Input X, Y
3. If X > Y
4. Print (X, ‘is greater than’, Y)
5. Else
6. Print (Y, is greater than or equal to’, X)
7. EndIf
8. End
What is the minimum number of test cases required to guarantee both 100% statement coverage and 100% decision coverage?
- A. Statement coverage = 3, Decision coverage = 3
- B. Statement coverage = 2, Decision coverage = 2
- C. Statement coverage = 1, Decision coverage = 2
- D. Statement coverage = 2, Decision coverage = 1
Answer: B
Which of the following characteristics is most likely to promote effective software testing? [K1]
- A. Independence from the production process
- B. A belief that programmers always make mistakes
- C. Knowledge of the number of defects typically found in a program
- D. Confidence that the next stage will find defects missed at this stage
Answer: A
What can a risk-based approach to testing provide?
- A. The types of test techniques to be employed.
- B. The total tests needed to provide 100 per cent coverage.
- C. An estimation of the total cost of testing.
- D. Only that test execution is effective at reducing ris
Answer: A
Which of the following is most likely to cause failure in the implementation of a test tool?
- A. Underestimating the demand for a tool.
- B. The purchase price of the tool.
- C. No agreed requirements for the tool.
- D. The cost of resources to implement and maintain the too
Answer: C
Which of the following is a benefit of independent testing? 1 credit
- A. Code cannot be released into production until independent testing is complete.
- B. Testing is isolated from development.
- C. Independent testers find different defects and are unbiased.
- D. Developers do not have to take as much responsibility for qualit
Answer: C
Which of the following statements is most true about test conditions?
- A. An item or event of a component or system that can be verified by one or more test cases.
- B. The grouping of a composite set of test cases which, when tested as a whole, reveal a positive or negative result.
- C. A testable component derived from business requirements.
- D. Applies to software testing onl
Answer: A
Which is the best definition of complete testing..?
- A. You have discovered every bug in the program
- B. You have tested every statement, branch, and combination of branches in the program
- C. You have reached the scheduled ship date
- D. You have completed every test in the test plan
Answer: C
What is the main reason for using a pilot project to introduce a testing tool into an organization? [K1]
- A. To identify the requirements for using a tool
- B. To make a selection between alternative tools
- C. To assess whether the tool will be cost- effective
- D. To ensure the tools fits existing processes without change
Answer: C
Important consequences of the impossibility of complete testing are ..?
- A. We can never be certain that the program is bug free
- B. We have no definite stopping point for testing, which makes it easier for some managers to argue for very little testing
- C. We have no easy answer for what testing tasks should always be required, because every task takes time that could be spent on other high importance tasks
- D. All of the above
Answer: D
Identify THREE items that would be part of the work-breakdown structure showing the key testing activities for the acceptance test project. 2 credits (for 2 out correct 1 credit)
- A. Test planning, test case preparation and test execution for each of the four iterations
- B. Work should be explicitly allocated to test completion, test management, installation and to training on using the system
- C. Activities to deploy the system in the user environment
- D. Regression testing in the second, third and fourth iterations
- E. Development activities for unit and integration testing
- F. Reviews on requirements documentation
- G. Defining test environment requirements for system testing
Answer: ABD
A live defect has been found where a code component fails to release memory after it has finished using it.
Which of the following tools would have been the MOST effective at detecting this defect prior to live implementation?
- A. Dynamic analysis tool
- B. Monitoring tool
- C. Configuration management tool
- D. Coverage measurement tool
Answer: A
You are about to release a test progress report to a senior manager, who is not a test specialist. Which of the following topics should NOT be included in the test progress report? 1 credit
- A. Product risks which have been mitigated and those which are outstanding.
- B. Recommendations for taking controlling actions
- C. Status compared against the started exit criteria
- D. Detailed overview of the risk-based test approach being used to ensure the exit criteria to be achieved
Answer: D
In the MASPAR case study..?
- A. Security failures were the result of untested parts of code
- B. The development team achieved complete statement and branch coverage but missed a serious bug in the MASPAR operating system
- C. An error in the code was so obscure that you had to test the function with almost every input value to find its two special-case failures
- D. All the above
Answer: C
Which activities form part of test planning?
i) Developing test cases.
ii) Defining the overall approach to testing.
iii) Assigning resources.
iv) Building the test environment.
v) Writing test conditions.
- A. i, ii & iv are true, iii & v are false.
- B. ii & iii are true, i, iv & v are false.
- C. iv & v are true, i, ii & iii are false.
- D. i, ii & iii are true iv & v are fals
Answer: B
Fault Masking is:
- A. Error condition hiding another error condition
- B. Creating a test case which does not reveal a fault
- C. Masking a fault by developer
- D. Masking a fault by a tester
Answer: A
Given the Following program IF X <>= ZTHEN Statement 2;ENDMcCabe’s Cyclomatic Complexity is :
Answer: B
The test improvement project will take place in an organization developing a safety-critical avionics application. Which one of the following standards do you believe would be most appropriate to take into account for compliance during your assignment? 1 credit
- A. ISO 9126
- B. IEEE 829
- C. BS 7925/2
- D. DO-178B
Answer: D
Faults found by users are due to..?
- A. Poor quality software
- B. Poor software and poor testing
- C. Bad luck
- D. Insufficient time for testing
Answer: B
What are metrics NOT used for?
- A. To identify the percentage of work done in test environment preparation.
- B. To identify the percentage of work done in test case preparation.
- C. To apply to the RAD development model.
- D. To measure whether dates of test milestones were me
Answer: C
Consider the following pseudo code: 1 Begin
2 Read Time
3 If Time < 12 Then
4 Print(Time, "am")
5 Endif
6 If Time > 12 Then
7 Print(Time 12, "pm")
8 Endif
9 If Time = 12 Then 10 Print (Time, "noon") 11 Endif
12 End
If the test cases Time = 11 and Time = 15 were input, what level of decision coverage would be achieved?
- A. 100% or 6/6
- B. 50% or 3/6
- C. 67% or 4/6
- D. 83% or 5/6
Answer: D
Test case 1 exercises the decision outcomes True, False, False
Test case 2 exercises the decision outcomes False, True, False This leaves the True outcome of decision 3 not exercised. Of the 6 possible decision outcomes, 5 have been exercised, so the decision coverage is 5/6 (about 83%).
What is the benefit of independent testing?
- A. More work gets done because testers do not disturb the developers all the time.
- B. Independent testers tend to be unbiased and find different defects than the developers
- C. Independent testers do not need extra education and training.
- D. Independent testers reduce the bottleneck in the incident management proces
Answer: B
Which of the following are aids to good communication, and which hinder it?
- A. Try to understand how the other person feels.i
- B. Communicate personal feelings, concentrating upon individuals.ii
- C. Confirm the other person has understood what you have said and vice versa.i
- D. Emphasize the common goal of better quality.
- E. Each discussion is a battle to be won.
- F. (i), (ii) and (iii) aid, (iv) and (v) hinder.
- G. (iii), (iv) and (v) aid, (i) and (ii) hinder.
- H. (i), (iii) and (iv) aid, (ii) and (v) hinder.
- I. (ii), (iii) and (iv) aid, (i) and (v) hinde
Answer: C
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